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Solutions for Organisations

Manage Learning & Development as a profit centre by integrating your learning, testing, feedback and corporate compliance in one easy-to-manage online platform on a pay-for-use basis.

Solutions for Public

Learn faster and forget slower in any subject on your device(s) of choice. One question at the time, your personalised feedback helps you to focus on what you don’t know.

Kursus dengan artificial intelligence terpadu

Kita semua tidaklah sama

Semua orang berbeda dengan kebutuhannya masing-masing. Sistem daring pada biasanya memiliki kumpulan pertanyaan yang sama untuk semua orang. Kursus kami menggunakan algoritma AI unik yang menghasilkan pertanyaan lanjutan berdasarkan hasil dari pertanyaan anda yang sebelumnya.

Ini seperti punya tutor pribadimu sendiri.

Feedback langsung

Setiap anda menjawab pertanyaan, anda mendapat feedback langsung, jadi tidak perlu menjawab X atau lebih pertanyaan sebelum memperoleh hasil anda.

Immediate feedback

Identifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan anda

Algoritma Duo yang unik terus-menerus menganalisa jawabanmu dan menyusun profil kekuatan dan kelemahan personalmu.


Fokuskan pembelajaranmu

Fokuskan pembelajaranmu dengan membaca topik tersebut atau dengan mengerjakan tes kecil dengan pertanyaan hanya dari bidang tersebut. Profilmu diperbarui setiap selesai menjawab pertanyaan.


Solutions for Organisations

Manage Learning & Development as a profit centre by integrating your learning, testing, feedback and corporate compliance in one easy-to-manage online platform on a pay-for-use basis.

All you need for your learning organisation

  • Identify your knowledge gaps

    One question at the time, any time

    The first step in any learning process is to identify what you don’t know so you can focus your limited time only on what you need to study.

    This starts with a single question, randomly generated from our continuous learning. New questions are being generated on the basis of your previous answers.

    After you answer each question, you immediately get the result with an explanation and sound where available. This allows you to only study what you don’t know yet, accelerating your learning.

  • Belajar dan Latihan

    The same course is different for everyone

    Your strengths and weakness profile is updated after each question. You find this profile in the left menu of each course. The more questions you answer, the more accurate your study profile becomes.

    You can choose which topic you want to focus your studies on by clicking on either the “Study” or “Practice” button, “Practice” will give you 5 questions only from that topic.

  • Integrate all your learning

    MyDuoTraining is a valuable tool to manage all your trainings in one platform, testing, feedback and corporate compliance.

    You can also use MyDuoTraining as a course provider, or as a stand-alone learning management system.

  • Effective and efficient

    Course coordinators are in control and once a user is in the system, MyDuoTraining takes care of the rest.

    Learning, testing, workshop support, feedback and corporate compliance all in one spot.

    Coordinator dashboard

    The training coordinator can easily see who has (not) completed the compulsory tests.

    User dashboard

    The user is automatically informed about a new test and can see his/her test history.

Features & Benefits

Learn faster

You don’t need confirmation of what you already know

Forget slower

Use your time wisely we forget 90% of what we learn within one week

Manage better

All learning, testing, feedback and corporate compliance in one spot

Lifelong learning

Bridge the gap between life phases; learning is a journey that never stops

For everyone

Easy access turn your smart devices into powerful learning tools

L&D as a profit centre

Measure and adapt. No prior investments and on pay-for-use basis