English Grammar

English Grammar

PREPOSITIONS at the end of sentences or clauses

8. 6. 2021

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TO and FOR

17. 5. 2021

Rule 1: if there is a verb, use TO + infinitive

  • I came here to speak to you.
  • I study every morning to improve my Grammar.

Rule 2: if there is a noun, use FOR

  • He came for the flowers.
  • I did this for my mother.

Rule 3: for definitions with the verb “to be”, you can use FOR + verb-ing

  • This cup is used for measuring cooking ingredients.

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Future Continuous

10. 5. 2021

The future continuous is used to express processes that will or won’t be happening in the future. There are two ways to form these, with the use of “will” and with the use of “going to be.”

The type with “will” is constructed like this: will be + present participle.


  • She will be sleeping.
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3. 5. 2021

The present perfect continuous is used for an activity or process that has either just stopped or recently stopped. Sometimes it can mean something started earlier and is happening/continuing right now. It can also be used to express that something repeats over a period of time, such as an activity that someone started doing when they were a child and still do now.

Here are some examples of something that just stopped happening:

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PASSIVE VOICE and how to use it

30. 4. 2021

The active voice is when the subject of a sentence carries out an action on an object. In other words, the subject does the action, and the object receives the action.

The passive voice is more or less the opposite of the active voice: it’s when the subject is acted upon by the object. In other words, the subject receives the action, and the object does the action.

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7. 1. 2021


Still means that something is continuing and hasn’t stopped or changed.  It is often used with a verb and in the middle of a sentence.  
Yet  means “until now.”  It is often used in negative sentences and usually goes at the end of the sentence.  
Already is used to say that something happened earlier than it should have and is usually used in the middle of the sentence.

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Adverbs of Degree

26. 6. 2020

What is an Adverbs of Degree?

Adverbs of Degree helps a speaker express the intensity of a verb or extent to which something happens. Adverbs of Degree can modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs and are placed before the word they modify. For example - I am almost 40

List of common Adverbs of Degree?

Examples of Adverbs of Degree?

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Adverbs of Frequency

24. 6. 2020

Adverbs of Frequency?

Adverbs of Frequency helps a speaker let us know how often something happens. They can be divided into two groups. Indefinite and definite,

Indefinite adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb of the sentence while definite  adverbs of frequency are placed at the end of the sentence.For example, I hardly ever drink alcohol. (indefinite) and We get paid hourly (definite)

List of common Adverbs of Frequency

Examples of Adverbs of Frequency

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Adverbs of Place

22. 6. 2020

Adverbs of Place, helps a speaker express where the verb is happening. They don’t usually end in -ly and are usually placed after the main verb or object or at the end of the sentence. For example - I’ve lived here for 6 months.

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Adverbs of Time

20. 6. 2020

Adverbs of time, tell us when a verb takes place. We usually place adverbs of time at the end of a sentence. For example, I first met Paul last year. If you want to place more emphasis on the time then it can place at the start of the sentence - Last year was the best year of my life.

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Adverbs of Manner

17. 6. 2020

Adverbs of manner gives us more information about how a verb is done. Adverbs of manner are probably the most common types of adverbs that are used in English. For example - Kate sings beautifully.

Very often, adverbs of manner are adjectives with -ly added to the end, but this is not always the case. Some adverbs of manner will have the same spelling as the adjective form.

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Third conditional

2. 6. 2020

Definition of the third conditional

The third conditional is used to describe a past situation that did not happen and a past event that did not happen as a result. They can be used to express a missed opportunity.
The important thing about the third conditional is that both the condition and result are impossible now.

How to form the third conditional

Main clause
If + past perfect
Would  + have + past participle
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Second Conditional

31. 5. 2020

Definition of the second conditional

The second  conditional is used to describe an imaginary or highly improbable situation and its imaginary result in the present or future.

How to form the second conditional

Main clause
If + past simple
Would + Infinitive
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First Conditional

27. 5. 2020

Definition of the first conditional

The First conditional describes a possible situation and the result in the future. p>

How to form the first conditional

Main clause
If + present simple
Will + Infinitive
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Zero Conditional

23. 5. 2020

Definition of the zero conditional

The zero conditional  is used to describe, generally known truths, scientific facts, the time is always and now and the situation is possible and real.

How to form the zero conditional

Main clause
If + present simple
present simple
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ARTICLES - one of the most hated things for English learners

10. 8. 2018

Articles can be one of the most difficult things in English grammar for foreign language learners.  They are so simple and come naturally to native speakers but can often be a nightmare for people trying to learn English.  Some good advice about trying to learn when to use them is to pay attention to where they are used while reading and also while watching movies and/or listening to people talk.

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Relative clauses

1. 6. 2018

A relative clause is an extra bit of information that tells us which (or what kind of) person or thing someone is talking about.  For example, if you are telling your mom about your friend, it may be helpful if you say "my friend Jana from work ...."  That way your mum can either connect other stories she's heard about this particular Jana or connect the story to a concrete person, especially if she has met her before.

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21. 5. 2018

Adverbs are basically adjectives that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs but not nouns.  We use them to describe, for example, how fast someone is running, how well someone is driving, how strong the wind is blowing, etc.

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What's the difference between "LIKE" and "AS"?

11. 5. 2018

What is the difference between Like and As

Like and As are often confused.  They have specific uses but remembering where to use them can be tricky.

Let's start with like.  Basically, "like" is used to express "the same way" and "similar to."

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1. 5. 2018

What is the difference between Much and Many.

Here are two more words that people often confuse.  Much and many.  They are used for different things and so, with a little practice, they aren't that bad.

Much is used with uncountable nouns and many is used with countable nouns.  It's that simple!

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21. 4. 2018

What is the difference between Another and Other. Two words that people often aren’t sure when to use are another and other.  We must pay attention to how many things we’re referring to and if they’re countable or uncountable

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English Grammar - Articles

11. 4. 2018

There are only three articles in English: a, an and the.

There are two types of articles: indefinite “a” and “an” or the definite – “the”. You also need to know when not to use an article.

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ADJECTIVES and how to use -ED versus -ING

4. 4. 2018

Adjectives are words that describe nouns, such as a person, place, or thing.   They can also have different endings, such as -ed or -ing.  One or more can be used at one time, but they must be in a certain order

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The preposition "TO"

28. 3. 2018

"To" is used to show direction or intention of actual movement.  Direction could mean to the left, to the right, (go) to Italy, (went) to the pub, etc.  Intention of movement would be (might) go to work, (could) be sent to jail, (will) go to the zoo, etc.

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What is the present simple

21. 3. 2018

What exactly is the "present simple"?  It is the verb form we use to talk about things in general, things that repeat, or things that are generally true.  These would be things like eat, sleep, the sky is blue, the sun goes down every day, people have two eyes not three, etc.

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The difference between "BY" and "UNTIL"

15. 3. 2018 By and until can be easily confused.  They are used differently and after a little studying, you should have no problems using them.
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To have something done

6. 3. 2018

What does it mean to "have something done"?  This means that you want someone, i.e. a trained professional, someone specialized in something, etc., to do a service for you that you either can't do yourself or don't want to do yourself.

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The basics about CONJUNCTIONS

4. 3. 2018

Conjunctions are words that join together two thoughts or ideas.  Examples of conjunctions are: and, or, for, nor, but, yet, so, because, although, unless, since, etc.

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The difference between "FOR" and "SINCE"

27. 2. 2018

For and since can be confusing for people learning English.  They both are used for talking about time/time periods.  Let's take a look at how to use them correctly and some examples of usage.

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