Czech Vocabulary

Did you know that 'beer' in Czech can be 'pivo', 'piva', 'piv' or 'pivech'? Learn 1000s of Czech words and Phrases, with recordings to help you with pronunciation.
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  • Course Introduction
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Course Introduction

Learning more vocabulary will help you improve your language level and communicate in Czech confidently and effectively even if your grammar isn’t very good.

The course is organised according to 17  topics such as phrases, food and travel.  The unique Duotrainin AI algorithm will help you identify areas that you have a weakness in so that you can focus your studies on topics which are needed.

There are over 2000 words and phrases ranging from beginner to upper intermediate which cover everyday situations that you will need to communicate in.

Course Content

1. Čas, množství
2. Cestování
3. Cestování, doprava
4. Jídlo, pití,vaření
5. Množná čísla
6. Oblasti, jazyky
7. Oblečení, doplňky
8. Ostatní
9. Podnikání, bankovnictví
10. Pošta
11. Příroda, barvy, tvorové
12. Rodina, emoce
13. Slovní druhy
14. Tělo, zdraví
15. Vybavení,bydlení
16. Základní fráze
17. Zaměstnání, lidé
