Leadership foundations

This course explains what real leadership is, how to assess your strengths, and ways to cultivate effective leadership traits to make your organisation strong and innovative.

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2899 Kč
Tento kurz je také obsažen v PRÉMIUM
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  • Obsah Kurzu
  • Média

Představení kurzu

Good leaders drive success by creating engaged and motivated employees who, in turn, create enthusiastic customers. How to start your own leadership development, how to work on your leadership skills and improve your competencies, such as how to develop and mentor your team, how to create engagement in the workplace, how to analyse your industry, and how to improve your emotional intelligence are all included in this course. This course also serves as a reference guide. With this course you have everything you need to know and its practical application in the area of effective leadership always at hand, on your mobile phone.

Obsah Kurzu

1. Competencies in detail
Vision and values
Emotional intelligence
Motivation and engagement
Developing people
Improving team performance
Navigating change
Developing political acumen
Know your environment
Nurturing relationships
Creating a positive culture
Be sustainable
Becoming resilient
2. Leadership skills
3. Next steps
4. What is leadership?
A process
Leading vs managing
Making both work
Your leadership gap
Leadership development plan
Organisational stages
