Design thinking

This course is for everyone who wants to understand where design thinking fits into organisational innovation and creativity and what it can help you achieve.

Toto je prémiový kurz. Prémiové kurzy mohou být zakoupeny na jeden rok
2899 Kč
Tento kurz je také obsažen v PRÉMIUM
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Představení kurzu

Design thinking can help you save time and find more creative solutions to your customers' needs.

This course Design thinking describes each step in the process, from identifying the problem you want to solve and brainstorming solutions, to prototyping, development, and release. You will learn about the pros and cons of this approach and how to overcome challenges such as organisation inertia and silos.

Obsah Kurzu

1. Design thinking in business
Agile, lean, and design thinking
Who is involved
2. Design thinking in your organisation
Just do it
Organisational inertia and silos
Tracking success
User-centered design
3. Design thinking: is it magic?
Celebrity design thinking
Design doing
Prepare for hard work
4. The (dis)advantages of design thinking
Non-agile organisations
Offshoring and outsourcing
5. The design thinking process
Finding the real problem
Paper prototyping
Implementation planning
