Foundations of communication

We cannot live or work without communication. This course is for everyone who wants to understand the basics of communication in the workplace.

Toto je prémiový kurz. Prémiové kurzy mohou být zakoupeny na jeden rok
2899 Kč
Tento kurz je také obsažen v PRÉMIUM
  • Představení Kurzu
  • Obsah Kurzu
  • Média

Představení kurzu

Your communication skills affect everything you do. Through communication you can bring value to your relationships and to your organisation, which has great influence on your career prospects. This course helps you communicate better in a variety of professional situations, including meetings, email messages, pitches, and presentations.

Obsah Kurzu

1. Communication in Common Situations
Running meetings
Running meetings - tools
Sending emails
Explaining something
Advising senior staff
2. Communication in Difficult Situations
Pitching ideas
Asking for something
Being caught off guard
Dealing with criticism
Giving a presentation to executives
3. Four communication building blocks
4. Social Communication
Socialising in professional settings
Socialising - tools
