Foundations of negotiation

This negotiations course demonstrates the core skills of interest-based negotiation to get win-win outcomes every time.

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2899 Kč
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Představení kurzu

In this Foundations of negotiations course, you will learn about diagnostic questions and all the best practices of mutual benefit or interest-based negotiation so you can apply them to the conversations you have every day. Skills such as anchoring, framing, labeling, and mirroring in scenarios will all be discussed.

Discover how to prepare for a negotiation, cultivate your influence, get into a zone of agreement even when you have to say "no," and negotiate remotely over phone or email.

Negotiation is a communication discipline, not a battle. Taking the fear and dread out of negotiation will help you solve problems and create value with more ease and more confidence and better results.

Obsah Kurzu

1. Engaging Your Allies
2. Getting Ready for Negotiation
3. How to Deal with No
4. Negotiating at a Distance
5. Negotiation Strategies and Tips
6. The Basics of Negotiation
