Foundations of public speaking

The Foundations of public speaking course is for those who would like to learn the skills and techniques to prepare and deliver an outstanding speech.

Toto je prémiový kurz. Prémiové kurzy mohou být zakoupeny na jeden rok
2899 Kč
Tento kurz je také obsažen v PRÉMIUM
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  • Obsah Kurzu
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Představení kurzu

Instead of focusing on the fear of public speaking, the DuoTrainin Foundations of public speaking course focuses on your performance and confidence in delivering a great speech. With this course, you will develop the skills you need to prepare and deliver a great speech or presentation.
This course offers practical insights and techniques to help you prepare, open, deliver, and close your speech. Along the way, discover how to project confidence, storyboard a speech, take questions, respond with thoughtful answers, and develop the creative story that adds life to a speech.

Obsah Kurzu

1. Closing
2. Delivering your speech
3. Opening
4. Preparing your speech
5. Warming up for your speech
